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Mostrando postagens com marcador Tratores. Mostrar todas as postagens

Como parar um fugitivo a bordo de uma carregadeira? Simples, com outra carregadeira!

Front Loader Police Pursuit With Another Front Loader
Perseguições policiais ocorrem a todo momento. Apenas alguns merecem a atenção por serem inusitados, seja pelas circunstâncias que levam ao surgimento da ocorrência ou pelos veículos envolvidos. Neste caso, no Condado de Gwinnett, Geórgia, Estados Unidos, o crime envolveu duas... carregadeiras!

O fato começou quando um homem de 38 anos, ex-funcionário de uma empresa de coleta de lixo, voltou ao local onde trabalhava, embarcou em uma carregadeira e saiu dirigindo erraticamente pela propriedade. A Polícia chegou rapidamente ao local, deu voz de parada ao recém-demitido, mas ele não a obedeceu, e escapou pela rodovia mais próxima.

Policiais realizam famosa manobra "pit" e fazem trator capotar no Canadá

1 arrested, taken to hospital after police pursue tractor on B.C. highway
Muitos Departamentos de Polícia ao redor do mundo treinam seus integrantes para que possam, em uma perseguição envolvendo carros, realizar a muito conhecida manobra em que o motorista da viatura oficial empurra a lateral traseira do carro do fugitivo, fazendo com que o que vai à frente perca o controle e seja obrigado a parar, ou então continue a acelerar, o que pode vir a provocar uma colisão, capotamento ou outro tipo de acidente.

Este procedimento é popularmente chamado "pit", que é a sigla em inglês para "precision immobilization technique", ou "técnica de imobilização com precisão", e se tornou famoso graças aos policiais norte-americanos, que perseguem e realizam esta manobra em carros que estão em fuga, e por ventura estas situações são filmadas, principalmente, por emissoras de televisão, com câmeras a bordo de helicópteros.

Matteo Valenti drives New Holland Braud 9070L

Excavators for any challenge. Volvo Construction Equipment. (With Dolph Lundgren)

Clarkson's Farm: quando Jezza "The Orangutan" tenta fazer trabalho braçal em sua fazenda

Quem conhece Jeremy Clarkson sabe de suas peripécias a bordo de carros, desde a remodelação do programa "Top Gear", da BBC, em 2002, até os dias atuais, em "The Grand Tour". Nem mesmo em 2020, que foi um ano ruim para todo mundo, os setores mais básicos da economia não puderam se dar ao luxo de se trancar dentro de casa: os agricultores e pecuaristas, por exemplo.

Mas o que a pandemia de COVID-19, a agropecuária e Jezza "Orangutango" Clarkson têm em comum? Pois saiba que TUDO! Pois o mais controverso apresentador do trio que é formado por Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond e James May saiu das pistas de corrida para os campos de capim.

Para ser mais preciso, Jeremy Clarkson não abandonou seu antigo hobby e profissão, apenas acrescentou mais uma atividade laboral: comprou uma fazenda de 405 hectares em Oxfordshire. Enquanto as fronteiras para outros países estavam fechadas, Jezza encontrou em seu novo empreendimento a oportunidade de não ficar parado, só que, em vez de pisar fundo no pedal direito de um carro da Lamborghini, ele maneja o acelerador de um trator da mesma marca italiana.

E transformou tudo isto em uma série, chamada "Clarkson's Farm", cuja primeira temporada começará a ser exibida em 11 de junho na Amazon Prime. Acompanhe Jeremy dirigindo tratores, tosando ovelhas, lidando com vizinhos, controlando drones, acima de tudo, tentando realizar tarefas manuais, o que, quem o conhece muito bem, sabe que ele não gosta muito.

Assista ao vídeo de uma volta no Nürburgring Nordschleife a bordo de um Claas Xerion 5000 Trac VC... sim, exatamente, um trator!

Claas Xerion 5000 Trac VC Nürburgring Nordschleife Christian Menzel Fast Lap
Quem é entusiasta do Nürburgring Nordschleife e acompanha mais de perto as voltas rápidas que são cronometradas por lá, sejam elas oficiais de marcas de veículos automotores ou não, sabe que não é novidade alguém tentar a peripécia a bordo de um trator.

Em 2012, a lenda do rali Walter Röhrl percorreu o "Inferno Verde" em um Porsche Diesel Junior, só que nunca tivemos acesso a este registro em vídeo.

Mais recentemente, em 2020, Christian Menzel repetiu o feito de marcar um tempo de volta com um veículo agrícola. Este sim, com diversos ângulos de câmera internos e externos.

Wijnand Both drives his own 1960 Porsche Junior Diesel Tractor

Matt Prior drives 2019 JCB Fastrac World's Fastest Tractor

Na hora de construir uma estrada, você vê que o CBT 1020 faz tudo, tudo, o que um trator importado faz. Só não tem direção hidráulica, não tem embreagem automática e nem se chama John. O CBT 1020 é um trator, não um Impala.

Na hora de construir uma estrada, você vê que o CBT 1020 faz tudo, tudo, o que um trator importado faz. Só não tem direção hidráulica, não tem embreagem automática e nem se chama John. O CBT 1020 é um trator, não um Impala.

O programa Top Gear acaba de ganhar novos desafetos: os operadores de escavadeira!

Top Gear Series 26 Episode 04 Hole Digging Matt LeBlanc vs. Matt Baker
Advogados, alemães, argentinos, caminhoneiros, mexicanos, romenos, Tesla... a lista de pessoas e empresas que já se ofenderam com as declarações do antigo trio Jemery Clarkson, Richard Hammond e James May é grande.

No entanto, mesmo com a famosa trupe saindo do programa da BBC e estrelando a nova série The Grand Tour, transmitida via streaming pela Amazon Prime, parece que a emissora de TV britânica ainda está longe de se livrar de problemas.

The new Minneapolis-Moline M-670. 16% more power... 22% more pull!

The new Minneapolis-Moline M-670. 16% more power... 22% more pull! Minneapolis-Moline introduces a new force in power farming, the M-670. With 16% more power—high torque power— it develops 22% more pull — enough to work an extra plow— and then some! 
The new power story: More in the engine —redesigned pistons, rods, camshafts and valves—new fuel systems for gaso-line, LP•Gas and diesel—to give you 16% more power than you would expect in an engine of this size. 
The new performance story: Re•engi-neered power train—improved Ampli• Torque 10-speed transmission, new low-reduction final drive, larger bear-ings, bigger splines—with the result that the increase in pulling power actually exceeds the increase in engine power! 
The new-feature story: New, removable grill and hood. New dry-type air cleaner. Improved hydraulics. New, stronger 
drawbar design. New side frame adapts to all implements. New split wheel weights for easy installation. Functional fender design with new flood, utility and road lights. Improved control-zone comfort. And more hours of power! All Big MM Tractors give you more power per piston stroke than other tractors. Fewer engine turns mean less engine wear ... more hours of power, more years of work. Longer life proved: Look at the chart and see. With the M-670, you get 1041 hours of power-packed work for every 100 million engine turns. With other tractors, only 667 to 833 hours of work for the same number of turns! 

i engine in the big M.670. The -,Ong.' more re operating hours of work fordeveehryveris0.°rnillion engine revolutions other tractors in the same HP class. 
FREE! Engine Life Analysis See your Big MM dealer for a test drive today. And be sure to ask for a free Engine Life Analysis compari-son with any other tractor you are considering. You'll be amazed at the results of this comparison—and at the long-life power of the great, new M•670.

What do these five diesels have in common? The M & W turbocharger!

What do these five diesels have in common? The M & W turbocharger!

Este é o famoso TEK Ferguson de bitola estreita. Construído especialmente para cultivar qualquer lavoura... principalmente café.

Este é o famoso TEK Ferguson de bitola estreita. Construído especialmente para cultivar qualquer lavoura... principalmente café.

The Pathfinder Systems's Freedom Drive Guidance boosts your profitability.

Freedom Drive Guidance boosts your profitability. 

Tractor guidance is no longer a concept of the future. Three years of actual field use have proven the benefits of the Freedom Drive Automatic Tractor Guidance System. Freedom Drive, by Pathfinder Systems Inc., increases the profitability of your farm-ing operation by alleviating losses due to un-even guess rows, cultivator blight and lost operation time. If you're not using the Free-dom Drive System, you're losing money on every pass through the field. The Freedom Drive System steers your tractor with a precision mechanism that automatically corrects wheel direction for precise planting, bedding and cultivation of any row crop. Freedom Drive's ''hands-off'' guidance increases your effectiveness every time you enter the field. 
The Freedom Drive System lets you: • Speed up operations by covering more acres in less time, while allowing operation at night, into the sun, and in dust, haze and fog. • Relieve driver stress by eliminating tedious manual steering. Driver is free to monitor behind-tractor operations. • Precisely space straight rows eliminating overlap costs and losses due to cultivator blight and slow-speed operation. You can cultivate accurately and safely within two inches of plants, insuring better control of weeds and volunteer. And with evenly spaced rows you can cultivate off-row, re-ducing soil compaction which increases irri-gation efficiency. 
A.''-• For details on Pathfinder's Freedom Drive System, talk to your local dealer today. And remember, with the impact accurate guidance has on profitability, if you don't have Freedom Drive, you're paying for it anyway. 

PATHFINDER SYSTEMS INC. BOX 605 LEXINGTON, NE 68850 308/324-6363-Dealer Inquiries Invited''

O controle de custos aponta a Caterpillar como a preferida por quem controla custos.

O controle de custos aponta a Caterpillar como a preferida por quem controla custos.

Nova família de rolos compactadores tandem e combinados Dynapac. A melhor relação custo/benefício.

A Melhor Relação Custo/Benefício 


A Dynapac apresenta a melhor relação custo/benefício em compactadores vibratórios de última geração de 2.300 kg, 2.600 kg c 4.000 kg. E com o melhor suporte ao produto: o HighComp Center - International. Os compactadores estão disponíveis em duas versões: tandem e combinados, para solos e asfalto. Realizam, com eficiência e economia, trabalhos de compactação de alta qualidade em obras de pequenos reparos, pátios de estacionamento e industriais, pavimentação urbana e grandes reparos em rodovias. Para mais informações sobre a Nova Família de Compactadores Dynapac ligue para o Distribuidor da sua região ou diretamente para a Svedala Dynapac. 
Svedala Dynapac Ltda. Estrada Municipal, 430 - Bairro Éden CEP 18103-000 - Sorocaba - SP - Brasil Tel.:(015) 225.1677 - Fax:(015) 225.2714 
Filial Dynapac-SP - Tel (011)7967-0800 • Fornecedora-CE • Tel.: (085)274-1222 - PI: (086) 229.2255 • ldover-AM - Tel.: (092)651-3811 • RO: (069)222.4193 • Linck-PR Tel (041)332-3636. RS: .051)337-3333 - SC. (0482)46-3333 • Mai:peste-GO/TO - Tel (062)202-2155 • M. Marcelino-MA - Tel.: (098)245-2177 PAI (091)235.4100 • Movesa-PE Tel.: (081)455-3736 • Pollrnaq-DF - Tel : 061)2331887 • Technico-BA -Tel (071)246-2400 •Tecnoeste-MS Tel.: (067)787-2688 - MT: (065)627-1330 • Tracbel-MG -Tel : (031)429-1000 - ES: (027)227-7799 • Trimak-RJ Tel : (021)290-8412

Put 10" more threshing capacity to work, put $844 savings in your pocket. Take a look at the new Case 600 combine.

Put 10'' more threshing capacity to work ...PUT $844 SAVINGS IN YOUR POCKET 
Good news here, with that big fall harvest looming ! It's this: You can get the Case 600 combine, with its extra-heavy 40-inch cylinder and 10-foot header, for about $844 LESS than the cost of a leading 30-inch combine. The big cash advantage isn't all you'll get. The Case 600's big cylinder feeds a huge separating area of over 31 square feet, with cleaning capacity to match. Plenty of overhead clearance for weedy bean crops—a big, variable-speed fan under the sieves to see that nothing but a clean sample goes into the bin. And you get a tailings check at your elbow—on-the-go 

concave adjustment right from the seat. A high-speed, 500-stroke-per-minute sickle and left-hand drives to prevent shattering loss. That, plus the gentle handling of your beans by rubber flights in the elevator, improves your yield. Your wheel treads fit the rows perfectly. The 10-foot header spans 3 rows of beans. Or with the 13-footer, you can handle 4 rows at every pass. Think it over. The money and the hours you can save. The better, fuller yield from your crop. The prospect of sailing into the harvest with a spanking-new, dependable machine. Then call your Case dealer. * Manufacturer's suggested list price FOB factory for Case Model 600 combine with 10' header, exclusive of dealer handling charge, federal, state or local taxes. Includes hy-draulic variable-speed drive, turning brakes, lights and battery. Corn header illustrated at lower left is available at extra cost. Prices subject to change without notice. 
YOU'LL NEED THIS 40'' CAPACITY IN CORN Heavy yield? Trust the massive cylinder and big cleaning area to put it through fast and thoroughly. No stalks escape the wide gathering points and ground-hugging chains. 
Take a look at the NEW 
J. 1. Case Company • Racine, Wisconsin

So much for the fun. The fact is, a New Holland automatic bale wagon is all business out there in the field.

It's Super-machine! 
So much for the fun. The fact is, a New Holland automatic bale wagon is all business out there in the field. It does nothing less than revolutionize haymaking. For the first time, haying becomes a fast, easy, one-man job. Even with the smallest model (shown) in the line of six, you'll move 54 tons a day. With the largest, up to 121 tor.. That's from field to stack all automatically, all by yourself. (Based on an 8-hour day and a mile-away stack.) Prefer to unload one bale at a time along a level feed bunk or onto a bale elevator? Some modelsare equipped for this. Want to be able to take the stack away as quickly as you made it? 
Several u !; is are stack retrievers as well as stack builders. But you've got to see this machine to believe it. Once you do, you'll never again want to go back to bale handling by hand. Head for your New Holland Super-dealer. Ask to see the Super-machine. New Holland Division of Sperry Rand Corporation. SPEW,' RAND 

You'll do far more work and do it easier with new International Harvester big HP 826 and 1026 hydrostatic tractors.

New! Two big hp hydrostatics! 

You'll do far more work and do it easier with new big hp 826 and 1026 hydrostatic tractors l'i4yeclertosttsetiZtV817:tioestIplr :17dbig-power1 y=a vtnItleh pto hp.• But horsepower alone doesn't tell the full story. With these new tractors you can now take advantage of the full productive capacity of any implement or machine. The reason? Infinite speeds. You change to any speed—with an unlimited selection from zero to top speed—with one hand and no clutch. Change on the go under load or with no load at full engine RPM and full power. With a baler or forage harvester you can slow up in heavy crops, speed up in lighter going. Plant at exactly the right speeds. Plow at higher average speeds to put more acres a day behind you. Cultivate as fast as conditions permit. Load smoother, faster than you thought possible. Hydrostatic is unexcelled in reliability, convenience, pro-ductivity. The International 656 and 544—the first hydrostatic ti= dins Orfltlt:V oifnfattn: ;lee! TViiitahlhrner826eantv0€16—i in with  bigger power-matched hydrostatic transmissions—you now have a full line of hydrostatic farm tractors in four power sizes! 
You can buy, rent or lease — see your International Dealer 

International 1026 Hydro

The new Massey-Ferguson 860/850 combines. Now better is bigger.

The new Massey-Ferguson 860/850 combines. Now better is bigger.
''It's a Massey.'' For generations, that's been the best thing anyone could say about a combine. After all, Massey introduced the first successful self-propelled combine, and our hi-inertia threshing system continues to set the standard in productivity and fuel efficiency. No wonder so many growers have relied on Massey combines for superior performance under all harvesting conditions. Now come the biggest, most productive, energy-efficient Masseys ever: our new 860/850s. New Massey extra capacity is engineered into the 860/850s with two important innovations. 1. A new 12-bar concave with 113' arc expands threshing area by 10% over our previous highest-capacity machines. Teamed with our exclusive hi-inertia cylinder, this assures 

up and down, the seat angle adjusts. The tilting backrest gives you built-in, adjustable lumbar support. There's also a convenient armrest that folds back for easy entry and exit. In the command module you'll find a 14-channel electronic system which constantly monitors critical operating functions. Also a new instant-stop push/pull electromagnetic header throwout switch. 
New Massey engine cooling system features a rotary screen air intake to boost cooling efficiency. A new high-capacity 90-volt alternator maintains battery charge, even during night operation with all electrical units working. Take your choice of our new optional chain-slat or unique paddle elevator to customize your new Massey to your crop and conditions. A new series of big capacity tables lets you cover ground faster and more efficiently, even in down or tangled crops. Each has a big 22'' (.56m) auger, hydrostatic reel drive and super-strong double bottom construction. 
efficient and reliable threshing. 2. Straw walkers are 23'' (.58m) longer to give 19% greater separating area for greater capacity and better separation. New Massey comfort has been added with a new 5-way commander's chair. It has deluxe fabric upholstery for cool comfort. Besides moving fore and aft, and 
New 22' (6.7m) floating and rigid tables and a 24' (7.3m) rigid table are available for the MF 860 and 850. The 30' (9.1m) rigid table lets you maximize the productivity of your new MF 860. For extra driving power through soft, muddy conditions, Massey offers optional hydrostatic powered rear-wheel drive you can have either factory or field-installed. New Massey maintenance ease is built in, too, with new hinged shields all around for quick, easy access to critical service areas. The massive new Massey 860/850 Combines. Your yields 

never looked bigger. Your fields never felt smaller. Talk to your Massey-Ferguson dealer right away and find out all the ways Massey innovation can boost your productivity this year and through the 1980s. 
MF Massey Ferguson