Mostrando postagens com marcador Propagandas de Computadores. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Propagandas de Computadores. Mostrar todas as postagens

Take Macintosh out for a test drive.

Take Macintosh out for a test drive. Since we introduced Macintosh', been telling gnu its the first business com puter anyone can learn to use overnight. Now were going to prove By gbing you a Macintosh to use. Overnight. Right now, anyone who qualifies can walk into a participating authorized Apple dealer, and walk out with a Macintosh Personal Computer. No purchase necessary It's our way of letting more test drive a Macintosh in the comfort of your own office, home, RV hotel mom. dorm mom or whatever. And really experience, first-hand, how much your finger already knows about computing. Simply put, in less time than it takes to get frustrated on an ordinary computer, Dull be doing real work on Macintosh. Because the hard part of test driving a Macintosh isn't figuring out how to use it. The hard part is bringing it back.

Canon Pixel Jet. The smallest, the lightest, high-quality, full-color copying machine. (With Nigel Mansell)

CP 500 da Prológica. Para quem quer se pôr em dia com o futuro.

CP500 DA PROLÓGICA. PARA QUEM QUER SE PÔR EM DIA COM O FUTURO. O computador pessoal CP 500 da Prológica é a mais poderosa ferramenta de apoiojá inventada para auxiliar empresários, clentistas,.estudantes e demais profissionais. Ele fomece, em questão de segundos, todas as informações q ue você precise para agilizar seu trabalho, com precião e segurança, tanto em casa como no escritório. E operar o CP500 cdsa mais simples do EE. PROLOGICA mundo. Ele mesmo ensina como programá-lo. Além disso, a Prolópioa ELA dispõe de uma série de programas aplicativos capaz de resolver qual- ■■■ quarto° de problema. Vês um revendedor e peça uma demonstração lio CP 500 da Proldgica. Você vai se sentir adiante do seu próprio tempo. Me kr soi mor Cffisttern teknrces, CPU com micrCpocesie.r.ladeMISZ- Nlemôrepüncipal deAS 1.• Video de I, • tshmes.n cakines•16.hes.n..u.s.,......m.s120, re.x. -De I ...nac. .....x.0£1•clffieledefucko.lnoretefo.do103CPS• resdente em nom. 16U sarCeone 531-2,31•511-..531.106•531.97•Merás•22.17.,Cano .31 Fon .9075 Ueenlinda 2.34.504.• Campe ennat•283.190.-Doung.• •207 PP Jane. leen.. 141 Estamos credenciando novos revendedores em todo o Brasil para o CP 500.

The new Cromemco 16K RAM card that turns your computer into a working giant.

The new Cromemco 16K RAM card that turns your computer into a working giant.

Microsoft Excel. The soul of the new machines.

Microsoft Excel. The soul of the new machines.

"Designing a revolutionary concept in software demanded a computer with extraordinary performance. The Radio Shack Tandy 2000 delivered." Bill Gates.

"Designing a revolutionary concept in software demanded a computer with extraordinary performance. The Radio Shack Tandy 2000 delivered." Bill Gates.

"Get an out-of-this-world deal on my favorite Radio Shack color computer!" Isaac Asimov.

"Get an out-of-this-world deal on my favorite Radio Shack color computer!" Isaac Asimov.

Two bytes are better than one. The Technico TMS 9900 16-bit microcomputer.

Two bytes are better than one. The 16-bit Technico TMS 9900 microcomputer SS-16.

Introducing Microsoft Excel. The soul of the new machines.

Introducing Microsoft Excel. The soul of the new machines.

Introducing the extraordinary IBM 5110 Computing System. Under $18,000. A small computer can make a big difference.

Introducing the extraordinary IBM 5110 Computing System. Under $18,000. A small computer can make a big difference.

The $3398 10MB XCOMP Hard Disk. The hard disk you've been waiting for.

The $3398 10MB XCOMP Hard Disk. The hard disk you've been waiting for.