Coming with a great new balance of power, weight and strength. The new-size Fords.

Coming—with a great new balance of power, weight and strength 
All-New FORD 2000—Husky, AU-New FORD 3000— Spirited spunky 2-plow all-purpose 3-plow all-purpose tractor tractor fits profitably into with heft and strength to most farming operations.Rug- handle tough jobs. Gasoline gad new gasoline engine and or diesel. Leads its class in more than 3000 pounds of steel transmission and PTO op-and iron. Tops its class for low- tines . . . fits widely varying cost, long-lasting workpower. farming needs with precision. 
All-New FORD 4000—Brute-strong 3-4 plow tractor with over two tons of lugging, last-ing, all-purpose workpower. Gasoline or diesel in America's most popular power class. Rugged, double-reduction final drive. A lot of tractor! 
All-New FORD 5000—Now, a big 4-p,w, all-purpose Ford diesel trac:or. More than two-and-a-ha, tons of brawny. work-Pow, to handle biggest jobs on most farms. All-Ford in com-fort and handling.... Massive atm,' h in every detail. 
FORD Commander 6000—The world's most advanced 5-plow tractor is better than ever. Choice of gasoline, LP-gas or diesel mode.. Power shifting, power steering, and power braking for un-rivaled. operating ease. More engine power, plus new strength in transmis-sion, final drive, and PTO. 
1965's biggest tractor noes . . . a totally new line of Fords. Heavier! Stronger! New-Size Fords! Your kind of tractor . . . your size tractor. Brilliant new engines talk right back to toughest jobs with lugging, lasting power, get more work from a gallon of fuel. Diesel engines, built specifically for tractors, reach new highs in massive strength. And gasoline modets are just as rugged. Brute strength shows in every detail. Rugged front axle supports. Brawny new axles, front and rear. Deep, heavily ribbed engine block and gear cases. Husky new transmission options, in-cluding an all-new 8-speed unit with Mdependent PTO. Double-reduction planetary gears in 3-4 plow and larger modela ease torque load on transmission and differen-tial. Fords excel in comfort and convenience, as always. Steering—effort less. Hy-draulics—better than ever. Controls—easy to use, pre-cise in response. New-Sire Ford tractors offer features you want in the size you need. All-new, in-side and out, for new highs in efficient workpower, plus unprecedented durability. 
Watch for New-Sire Fords at year dealers. You'll be glad you did. 

Google reCAPTCHA is getting harder...

F1 2018 Australian Grand Prix Google reCAPTCHA is getting harder...

Matt Saunders drives 2018 Volkswagen Polo GTI

A Ford 5000 All-Purpose? ...Yes!

A Ford 5000 All-Purpose? ...Yes! 
Yes if your power needs are for a medium to large acre. age farm. The Ford 5000 All-Purpose supplies 67 hp, gasoline or diesel. Yes if you're looking for a tractor with excellent lugging power for heavy tillage operations. yet eager and agile for your many other jobs. The Ford 5000 Aft Purpose engine provides high torque for extra lugging ability and snappy response for efficient all-purpose work. Yes if you're looking for a choice of transmissions. Your Ford Blue tractor dealer offers a dual-range 0-speed transmission or a 10-speed, shift on-the-go Select-O-Speed. both with independent 540 rpm PTO. Differential lock is standard. Yes if you're looking for hydraulics that let you oper-ate implement and tractor as one unit for fast, time-saving performance. One hydraulic lever on the Ford 5000 All-Purpose lets you easily control 3-point hitch. One lever. Is that simple. Yes if you're looking for the maximum in conve-niences. Low-mounting step. power steering and adjust-able seat are standard equipment. A lot of farmers have been saying 'yes' to Ford Blue lately. Yes to the Ford Blue 5000 All-Purpose. Yes to Ford Blue tractors 30 hp to 130 hp. Yes—see the 5000 at your Ford tractor dealer today. Ford Blue ... ij your key to greater quality. 

Resfriamento global: você está fazendo isso errado

Ar condicionado split instalado ao contrário Resfriamento global: você está fazendo isso errado Global cooling: you're doing it wrong
Ar condicionado split instalado ao contrário Resfriamento global: você está fazendo isso errado Global cooling: you're doing it wrong

After the Schumacher brothers, here are the Lastname brothers!

F1 2018 Australian Grand Prix The Lastname Brothers

Is there a chance that one of them will be the champion?

2018 Twelve Hours Of Sebring Full Race

Está sem o que fazer nas próximas 12 horas?

Que tal assistir às 12 Horas de Sebring na íntegra?

2018 Mercedes AMG F1 W09 EQ Power+ - Albert Park Circuit - 1:21.164 Pole Lap - Lewis Hamilton - Onboard

The New 2018 F1 Theme by Brian Tyler

It seems more like a superhero movie opening theme...

Amazing 4-way solid state steering. Proof that Case Tractor Specialization serves you.

Amazing 4-way solid state steering. Proof that Case Tractor Specialization serves you.
Proof that Case  Tractor Specialization serves you. 

Rear wheel steering 
Case solid state steering uses elec-tronic sensors on the wheels to acti-vate steering hydraulics. Steering response is immediate and very accu-rate. What's more, because of Case tractor solid frame design (no bend-in-the-middle), driving our big 90 series 4-WD's is as easy as handling your familiar 2-wheel drive tractors. Only Case solid state steering gives you instant selection of the four steer-ing modes shown above. As easily as you'd operate a light switch, you can switch on-the-go from front to coordi-nated to crab steering. Rear wheels 
Front wheel steering 
4-wheel crab 4-wheel coordinated steering steering 
are electronically controlled by finger-tip rocker switch. An electronic indica-tor on the tractor control panel shows exact position of rear wheels. It's easy, accurate 4-WD steering. Solid state steering on the Case 90 series 4-wheel drive tractors is truly amazing. Test drive a Case 4490, 4690 or 4890 4-WD and see for your-self. In addition to our exclusive steer-ing, you'll also see some impressive design advances in hydraulics, in the exceptionally clean and quiet Silent Guardian Cab and in extra servicing ease. Visit your Case dealer soon. 
MODEL 4490 4690 4890 ENG. HP. 210 (156 kW) 261 (194 kV/) 300 (223 kW) PTO HP'.. 175 (130 kW) 219 (163 kVV) 253 (188 kVV) DB HP•• 153 (114 OM 195 (145 kW) 224 (167 kW) 
•Mfr's rating / *•Official test 
J I Case A Tenneco ,ornpany Agricultural Equipment Division 700 State Street Racine. WI 53404 U.S.A. 
We're the  Tractor Specialist 

The Stig estabelece novo recorde de velocidade com um... trator! 140,44 km/h!

Top Gear Guinness Book Tractor Speed Record
Atualmente, existe um recorde no Guinness Book para praticamente tudo: o mais longo drift, da BMW, o maior número de zerinhos realizado em um minuto, da Caterham, e, mais recentemente, a Koenigsegg marcou cinco recordes de velocidade diferentes.

O programa Top Gear, da BBC, também quis registrar sua marca no Guinness World Records Book, mas, ao contrário das outras marcas de automóveis, e contrariando seu próprio proprósito, não usou um carro para marcar um recorde de velocidade, mas um trator!

The 1963 Oliver 1600. 60 HP 4.5 plow 12-speed with balanced-performance.


Row-Crop, Row-Crop Utility, Wheatland models. Choice of gas, diesel, or LP gas. 
OLIVER 1600 
Balanced power with the fuel-squeezing punch of a new Oliver engine—smooth as only Oliver 6-cylinder power can be. Loaded with high torque over a broad range, this new engine responds with flashing go to your every demand! You'll see the difference in acres gained and gallons saved per day. Balanced comfort through a new steering wheel with both telescopic and tilt-up features for fatigue-free operation (permits comfortable stand-up driving); new comfort-arranged platform with easy-to-reach con-trols; new full power steering; Suspension-aire seating with back rest. 
Balanced speed ratios with 12 ideally spaced speeds from 1.85 to 13.57 MPH . . . shift-on-the-go through optional Hydra-Power Drive, with instant pull-power 

REVOLUTIONARY NEW CUSHION-ACTION TRIP! Another first from the plow-design leader: new Cushion-Action trip on the Oliver 361 and 362 mounted plows! Pivot point, located higher and farther forward, lets bottoms swing higher when tripped. Share doesn't bear full weight of plow. No dig-in. Cushion-Action saves shares, saves time. Also, Cushion-Action colters reduce blade damage, ride over and cut through bunched-up trash. The new 361 and 362 mounted plows are available now in 2, 3, 4 and 5 bottoms. See how Cushion-Action increases acreage per day, extends plow life! 
increase up to 36%, instant 26% speed reduction . wider choice of speeds for each job than any other transmission. Balanced weight perfectly distributed front to rear—over 3 tons of live weight that translates into superior traction, puts more power to work ! Balanced 3-point draft control hitch with double feed-back design, permits free-floating implement action without deep-shallow variations. Available with push-button Hydra-lectric system, which provides remote hydraulic control of any desired working limits. Try the new 1600 on your place for size! Drive it, price it now for the tractor deal of the year ! Oliver Corporation, Chicago 6, Illinois. 
Look for this sign, new symbol of prompt, dependable service and genuine Oliver parts. 

*Maximum corrected PTO H. P., manufacturer's estimate

2018 Jeep Wrangler

The most reliable engines in the world are air-cooled. Deutz-Allis. See what sets us apart.

The most reliable engines in the world are air-cooled. Wherever reliability is the skies or in the farm field, air-cooled engines are the choice. That's why Deutz-Allis tractors from 43 to 145 horsepower and all rotary Gleaner combines feature Deutz air-cooled diesel engines. Air-cooling means no radiator, water pump, hoses, coolant or corrosion to worry about. These components are the source of 40% of all engine problems. Because less power is needed for cooling, Deutz air-cooled diesels use about 20% less fuel than most liquid-cooled diesels. Deutz air-cooled engines have been proven to warm up faster and run more efficiently than liquid-cooled engines from the Arctic to the deserts. This saves wear and tear, and extends engine life. Plus, the unit cylinder design allows individual cylinder repair without removing the engine. For the kind of reliability that people depend on, see your Deutz-Allis dealer or write, Deutz-Allis Corp., P.O. Box 933, Milwaukee, WI 53201. Deutz-Allis. See what sets us apart.

2018 Jeep Wrangler

A carregadeira CASE W7 honra a terra em que nasceu.

Esta carregadeira é fabricada pela CASE do Brasil. Quanta mais a CASE W-7 passa por testes de trabalho real, mais é requisitada pot clientes de todas as arem E a facilidade de financiamento através do Fl NAME, CEIEM, CDC e em/15 entidades, colocam a CASE W-7 em ação em qualquer terreno. Procure saber tudo que faz da CASE W-7 um sucesso nacional.

Renato Bellote dirige o 1989 Chevrolet Opala Diplomata SE 4.1/S Automatic-4

Confie nestes nomes. O sobrenome é CASE.

CONFIE NESTES NOMES. O SOBRENOME É CASE. A CASE selecionou estes Distribuidores não apenas para revender máquinas rodoviárias ou agrícolas e dar a devida assistência técnica. O critério principal levado em conta foi que eles são e serão sempre os intermediários diretos entre a CASE e você. É por causa dessa enorme res-ponsabilidade que os distri-buidores CASE são os nomes mais recomendáveis. Quando falar com um Distribuidor CASE, pode ficar tranquilo que está falando com a própria. BELÉM - PA MARCOS MARCELINO & CIA. LTDA. Rua Aristides Uh& 292 Tela. 23-2289 • 23.2489 BELO HORIZONTE - MG nAAsiF • COMERCIAL BRASILEIRA 0£ FERRO LTDA. Rua Espírito Santo. 8 Telt 22-7682 - 26-5783 CUIABÁ - MT TRATOMAG LTDA. Rua Estevão de Mendonça, 760 Tel. 3-576 CURITIBA - PR LINCK S/A EQUIPAMENTOS RODOVIÁRIOS E INDUSTRIAIS Rua Marechal Floriano Peixoto. 3.992 Tels. 24-2013 - 24-0034 • 24-0834 FLORIANOPOLIS - SC CODIMAR - COM. DIST. MÁQ. AGRICOLAS E RODOVIÁRIAS LTDA. Rua Max Unam, 933 FORTALEZA - CE CIA DISTRIBUIDORA AGRO-INDUSTRIAL Rua Barão do Rio Branco. 2.380 reis. 21.9690/1 - 21.4117 • 21.7122 IJU1 - RS COMERCIAL AGRICOLA CACIQUE LTDA. Rua 15 de Novembro. 107 Tais 2105 • 2235 - 2135 MANAUS - AM monco - SOC. COML IMP.MÁQ. E MATERIAIS DE CONSTRUÇÃO LTDA. Rua Barroso. 120 Tel. 2-0856 - 2.4096 PELOTAS-RS CIREP - COM. IND. E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA. Rua Lõbo da Costa. 236 -Tel. 2-5866 PORTO ALEGRE - RS DEMAR • DIST. DE EQUIPAMENTOS E MÁQUINAS LTDA. Av Par& 14 -Tel. 22.5015 PÔRTO VELHO - RO RONDAUTO COMERCIO OE VEICULOS LTDA. Av. 7 de Setembro. 1153 Tcl 375 - 376 - 355 - 721 RIO DE JANEIRO - GB SAMAR EQUIP ENGENHARIA LTDA. Av. Almirante Barroso. 97 • g/ b05/9 Tels 221.4479 - 252.1245 SALVADOR - BA SOTERAUTO DIESEL S/A Rua Or J J. Soabra, 443 Tais. 3-1802 - 3.2341 SANTA MARIA - RS PAULO RUBENS DANESI Rua Mal. Floriano Peixoto. 301 Tel. 2751 SÃO LUIZ - MA CIA. NORDESTE DE AUTOMÓVEIS • CINORTE Av. Magalhães de Almeida. 233 Tcl. 2990/1 1815 SAO PAULO - SP COPAM - COMERCIO PAULISTA DE MÁQUINAS LTDA Rua dos Carijós. 208 Tel. 62-8877 - 62-6085 - 65-6338 VITÓRIA - ES SAMAR - EQUIPAMENTOS DE ENGENHARIA LTDA. At Vitória. 2.360 Tais. 2-3692 - 3-0346 J.8 IR.NCASECDO BRASIL - Comércio e Indústria Ltda.POil: [ -uma componente Via Anclueta, km. 22 - Tel.: 443.1844 P. ALEGRE - RS: Av. Pernambuco, 1158 • Tel.:22.4244

2018 Geneva International Motor Show Highlights

McLaren Senna GTR

Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR Pro

Bugatti Chiron Sport

2018 Lexus LC500 - Top Gear Test Track - 1:25.6XX - The Stig - Onboard

2018 Twelve Hours Of Sebring - 2018 Mazda Team Joest IMSA RT24-P Daytona Prototype - Jonathan Bomarito - Onboard At Night

2018 Honda Civic Type R - Top Gear Test Track - 1:25.6XX - The Stig - Onboard

Peter Hilhorst drives 1991 Alfa Romeo 75 3.0 V6 QV

Veja o proprietário de um Volvo 240 trocar o aviso sonoro original de chave na ignição por uma versão 8-bit da música "Africa" da banda Toto

I now have the only Volvo 240 in the world that plays Toto’s Africa as the open door chime! Image Thumbnail
Presente em alguns carros há várias décadas, e em praticamente todos os veículos novos, um sistema que emite um bipe contínuo, quando você esquece a chave na ignição, ou os faróis ligados, e abre a porta para sair do carro. É muito útil para evitar que se tranque o veículo com a chave dentro ou acidentalmente descarregue a bateria.

Graças à tecnologia atual, é possível ouvir uma música de mais de 30 anos, usando equipamento com mais de 30 anos de obsolescência em um carro com mais de 30 anos de idade. Ainda que esta melodia esteja em uma versão criada para consoles de 8 bits.

Jaco Bijlsma drives 2018 Volkswagen Polo GTI

Van da Polícia de Boston fica atolada na neve, mas Elsa de Frozen vai até o local para ajudar!

Man dressed as Elsa single-handedly rescues Boston police car in nor'easter Video Thumbnail
Contado, ninguém acredita. Então, alguém gravou um vídeo e o postou no YouTube. Rapidamente, tornou-se um viral.

A cidade Boston, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos, foi atingida por uma tempestade de neve que resultou em camadas de mais de 40 cm de espessura.

Matt Prior drives 2018 Alpine A110

"After I've had my foot in the carburetor all day, it's kinda nice to get into a boot with style with the Laredo Western Boots." Cale Yarborough, 3-time Grand National Stock Car Champion.

Life In Laredos

After I've had my foot in the carburetor all day, it's kinda nice to get into a boot with style with the Laredo Western Boots. Cale Yarborough, 3-time Grand National Stock Car Champion.

They've got that quality look and feel about 'em, but they're not all that expensive. And over 70 styles to choose from. Get yourself a pair of winners from Laredo Western Boots. A product of Cedar Great Boot Company. Genesco Park, NMashville, Tennessee 37202

2018 Lotus Exige Cup 380 - Nürburgring Nordschleife - 7:48.13 - Christian Gebhardt - Onboard

The tractor: $1,200 per month. The Yamaha Tri-Moto: $20 per month.

The tractor: $1,200 per month. The Yamaha Tri-Moto: $20 per month. That little yellow thing on models. BOth have rugged, re-the right is aYamaha Tri. Moto. liable, miiet two-stroke engines And it can pull just about any- that are direct descendants of thing that big thing on the left the two stokers Yamaha's been can. Nitrogen tanks. Spray rigs. perfecting in over 20 years of Pipe trailers. Hay. off-road motorcycle racing. But unlike that great big trac- Much smaller, lighter and tor, it can run around your farm simpler than fourstrokes, they all month for only about 820. deliver amaimg low-end torque. Them am twoTri-Moto You don't haw to mess with premixing gas and oil. Yamaha's Autolube system does it for you. You don't even have to remem ber when it's time to add oil. An oil reservoir light remembers II, for you. Maintenance is quick and easy because there's virtually , nothing to maintain. Or adjust. No points. No valves. No cam 
chain. A tune-up is as simple as changing the spark plug and air filter TheTri-Moto's fat, knobby tires deliver incredible traction on just about any terrain. Rocks. Rubble. Swamps. Pinned fields. Hard-packed mum They'm super tough, too, because they'm cords instead of low-pressure balloons. And thanks to a snorkel air box, theTri-Moto can carry you acrossstreams without getting mover its head. Now, were not suggesting that our littleTri-Moto can put your big tractor permanently out to pasture. It's certainly not about to plow your field. But there am dozens of other - tough jobs,it can tackle. And in the process, save you bushels of money in gas and maintenance. It'll also make your crops look bigger. YAMAHA TRI-MOTO

Renato Bellote dirige o 1988 Gurgel Tocantins

2018 Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing #15 Honda IndyCar - St. Petersburg Street Cricuit - Graham Rahal - Helmet Cam Onboard

2018 Schmidt Peterson Motorsports #5 Honda IndyCar - St. Petersburg Street Cricuit - James Hinchcliffe - Helmet Cam Onboard

2018 Team Penske #1 Chevrolet IndyCar - St. Petersburg Street Cricuit - Josef Newgarden - Helmet Cam Onboard

2018 Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing #15 Honda IndyCar - St. Petersburg Street Cricuit - Graham Rahal - Helmet Cam Onboard

2018 Team Penske #12 Chevrolet IndyCar - St. Petersburg Street Cricuit - Will Power - Helmet Cam Onboard

"Honey, guess what I just bought?" Piaggio Vespa. The uncommon carrier.

"Honey, guess what I just bought?" Piaggio Vespa. The uncommon carrier.

Richard Hammond influenciou o design do novo Rimac C_Two... e sim, é da maneira que você pensa!

The Grand Tour Richard Hammond Rimac Concept_One Crash Accident
Isto, é claro, se você conhece a fundo a carreira de Richard Hammond nas séries de televisão e, atualmente, de video on demand.

O relacionamento de Richard Hammond, ex-apresentador do Top Gear britânico e atual integrante da série The Grand Tour, com a marca croata de supercarros elétricos Rimac, poderia ser a mais casual possível, não fosse por (mais) um acidente que quase custou a vida do "Hamster".

What does it take to top a Honda 750? Introducing the Honda 750 Automatic.

What does it take to top a Honda 750? Introducing the Honda 750 Automatic.

Sebastian Varchmin drives 2018 BMW i3s at Circuito do Estoril

Garelli. 70 Km por litro. O preço da liberdade.

Garelli. 70 Km por litro. O preço da liberdade.
Experimente Uma Garelli. Experimente a sensação de estar numa moto segura, robusta e económica. Garelli aguenta estradas ruins, praia, cidade e á fácil de ser transportada. Experimente uma Garelli e conte com uma assistência técnica espalhada por todo Brasil.
Muito charme, pouca gasolina.
Procure nas melhores lojas de sua cidade.

Jaco Bijlsma drives 2018 BMW i3s

Chevrolet Equinox 2018 com motor turbo de 262 CV. O frio na barriga está de volta. (Com Felipe Massa)

Dries van den Elzen drives 2018 Alpine A110

Honda CB 400. Nas boas casas do ramo. De Paris, Nova Iorque, Tóquio e Brasil.

Honda CB 400. A máquina da Honda. Nas boas casas do ramo. De Paris, Nova Iorque, Tóquio e Brasil.

Matthias Malmedie drives 2018 Porsche Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid at Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit

Heavy Metal. Honda XLX 250 R. O prazer de pilotar elevado à sua mais alta potência.

Heavy Metal. O prazer de pilotar elevado à sua mais alta potência. Para você curtir e improvisar seu próprio caminho. Em solo ou em grupos. Tecnologia para enfrentar rock, asfalto e lama. Sinta o som da emoção. Ligue-se numa Honda XLX 250 R. Pilote sempre equipado. Produzido na Zona Franca de Manaus.

Matt Prior drives 2018 BMW M5 F90

Who needs a 5-year or 50,000-mile engine and drive train warranty? Dodge builds tough trucks.

The man who said, "Who needs a 5-year or 50,000-mile engine and drive train warranty?" never broke his Cylinder block, cylinder head, engine internal parts, or his intake manifold, water pump, or his flywheel, flywheel housing, clutch housing, or his torque converter, transmission case or its internal parts, or his transfer case, drive shafts, center bearings, or his universal joints, driving axles, or differential, or his drive wheel bearings. 
We hope his luck holds out. Dodge Builds Tough Trucks.

Timo Glock and Sebastian Varchmin drive 2018 BMW M5 F90 at Circuito do Estoril