Numa época em que ter um telefone fixo em casa era privilégio de poucos, o jornal local publicou uma matéria que despertou a curiosidade de todos, pois noticiou que alguns especialistas no assunto afirmaram que, no futuro, as pessoas poderiam carregar telefones móveis em seus bolsos.
Já que nem tudo que se publica na internet é verdade, alguns podem pensar que esta página de jornal pode se tratar de uma montagem, mas não é. Consultando o arquivo do Mansfield News Journal, pode se constatar que a matéria realmente foi publicada.
Caso não consiga ler a matéria pela imagem acima, segue abaixo a transcrição completa:
Some day, Mansfielders will carry their telehones in their pockets.
Don't expect it to be available tomorrow, though.
Frederick Huntsman, telephone company commercial manager, says, "this telephone is far in the future commercially."
Right now, it's a laboratory development and it's workable, allowing the carrier to make and answer calls wherever he may be.
Other telephones of the future includes a kitchen loud speaking telephone, and a visual image telephone.
The kitchen instrument can be used as a regular telephone, a loudspeaking phone if the housewife happens to be busy preparing a meal, or as an intercom station for the home.
The visual image telephone allows the parties to converse by way of a microphone and loud speaker while a miniature television camera transmits the image. The "TV phone" also will have a writer signature transmission system and a conversation tape recorder.
The new phones are being displayed at the Home and Flower Show at the Coliseum.
HOW ABOUT THIS? - Mrs. Jean Conrad, commercial representative of Mansfield Telephone Co. holds up the pocket-sized, wireless telephone which Mansfielders will some day carry with them. The phone is still in the development stage and "far in the future."
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