Darsun cargoers. It's a kind of floating conveyor belt a few weeks long.

Darsun cargoers 

It's a kind of floating conveyor belt a few weeks long. 
The Nissan Maru, Hommoku Maru, Oppama Maru, Zama Maru, Kanagawa Maru, Bluebird Maru —ships loaded with Datsuns one way. Loaded with grain and soy beans going the other. Over 450,000 Datsuns have already taken the cruise. We load up to 1900 on each. Our auto-mated wharf in Hommoku makes it easy. Eight thousand miles later we unload in ports from Los Angeles to New York. Precision processing speeds them off to Datsun dealers. Having our own fleet means we can ship what we want, when we want. And give our cargo tender loving care. 
Boat loads of flashy 240-Z GT's; roomy, com-fortable 510 Sedans and Wagons; thousands of Li'l Hustler. Pickups. And now — the all-new Li'l Something and Some-thing Special 1200 Sedans and Coupes. All ready for permanent shore leave. The Datsun Marus keep coming two more will be launched next spring). They're cargoers for nearly 1000 Datsun dealers in the U.S. It's the surest way we know to deliver the exact model, color and equipment you want. While you were reading this, we just went back for more. Drive a Datsun...then decide. 


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