Why a Wide-Track Pontiac delivers you fresh and ready for fun?

Why a Wide-Track Pontiac delivers you fresh and ready for fun?
There's a remarkable absence of ''fatigue factors'' in this refreshing car. Front and rear suspension systems have been spe-cially tailored for Wide-Track. This creates a ride as smooth as a tide.washed beach. Quietness and cor-nering control are improved. More durable rubber-insulated body mounts are used to keep road hum down where only the tires can hear it. Extra body insulation and sealing eliminate 
tiring noise and vibration for near-perfect acoustics. New Wide-Track design contributes to greater sta-bility. More weight is balanced between the wheels. You feel an invigorating response, unwavering control. Next time you feel like going places, let the tireless Pontiac spirit move you. It's the awakening, Wide-Track way to travel that starts at your fine Pontiac dealer's. Visit him soon and the that deciding drive. 

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