The Allis-Chalmers Series II D-21. 28 feet of chisel plow behind this easy chair!

'28 feet of chisel plow behind this easy chair!' 
The man on the easy-chair seat of a Series II D-21 meets today's bigger acreages with confidence. He's master of 127 turbocharged horses. He's on the tractor that outpulled them all to win the 1966 heavyweight championship at Ottumwa, Iowa. So, he feels just about unstoppable! He does more work and feels fresher doing it. The work's done by modern hydraulics—feather-touch controls. Let Allis-Chalmers credit help put you on the champion's easy chair!  

Chisel-plow 140 an;aanttY0 acres a'd::-Zth 3OnftttYoirdcti.ilirlort7k the ib,,l with a squadron, and disk 190 acres. Brother, that's production,

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