Nas mais de duas horas de vídeo, podemos ver Bruce Dickinson no primeiro Rock In Rio e em uma turnê solo de 1990, brigando com um fã no palco, e seu substituto, Blaze Bailey, sendo atingido por cusparadas no Chile, em 1996, causando a fúria de Steve Harris.
00:03:57 Steve harris falls off drum riser (Barcelona 1990)
00:06:56 "Put the cigarette out" (Toronto 2000)
00:15:59 Heaven can almost wait (Quebec 1996)
00:20:41 Eddie get's mugged by a blankey (Monreal 1992)
00:24:56 Eddies rope breaks and collapses (Montreal 1998)
00:31:00 "Ugly" Eddie only Appearance (Quebec 1992)
00:39:03 Fan spits on Blaze, Steve Very Pissed Off (Santiago 1996)
00:44:20 Fan Throws a bottle at Bruce (Montreal 1988)
00:48:04 Monitor Breaks (Rio, Brazil 1985)
00:55:00 Bruce gets busted wide open (Rio, Brazil 1985)
00:59:57 Anthrax can't wait for gig (NYC, Ritz 1988)
01:04:21 Dope smoker busted (Montreal 2004)
01:07:43 Eddie with brocken neck (Milan 1993)
01:10:21 Bruce sick as a dog (Sheffield 1986)
01:23:42 Bruce brawls fan on stage (Los Angeles 1990 - Bruce Solo Tour)
01:24:19 Bonus (New York City 1982)
00:00:00 Backdrop gets stuck/Bruce trips (Paris 2005)
00:07:41 Bruce tells at laser pointing fan/Janick almost run over Dave (Milan 1999)
00:15:17 Bruce tells at a spitter (San Bernardino 2005)
00:16:40 Bruce threatens a spitter (Greece 1998)
00:18:33 The firework incident (New York City 1987)
00:23:34 Bruce rips up cameras (Rock In Rio 2001)
00:28:11 Janick gets pied (New York City 2004)
00:33:15 The Prisoner intro plays during The Number Of The Beast (Buenos Aires 1992)
00:34:41 Eddie wears a sombrero (Mexico City 1992)
00:37:00 Bruce speaks The Number Of The Beast intro/Introduces the wrong song (Bologna 2005)
00:39:08 Bruce tells at a shoe thrower (Philadelphia 1987)
00:43:55 Broken '6' (Chorzow 2005)
00:44:40 Bruce nearly gets hit with an object (Uniondale 1988)
00:46:44 Masturbating Eddie (St. John 1999)
00:48:23 Bruce tells an aweful joke (Zurich 2005)
00:48:57 Bruce insults a female fan (Bakersfield 2000)
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