This is the shape of trucks to come.

Already 100.000 ow.. of Volkswagen Tr.. hake to do what an economy truck should do. sium When you've marked out all the details, it turns out pr.. that the Volkswagen concept of low cost You want the ...rug f putting.. A truck must be rugged. You take care that aith a you ham just designed a VOkswagen Panel Truck. Your transportation works with equal success in busio.S. engine in the rear. You'll find itgims yoor...... unitized welded body. It sams weight a. keeps the deNgn makes. m.h sense that it will not .rprise Vmit wore.... Volkswagen dealer 1.0...pry. It alsodo. a.y with the heavy dn.. truck mttle.f.. . if futum tr.ks make um of these basic principles. roPNY 0 Your shaft. If you ....I your engin., you .ke mom weight. Your tr.k 1.1m d.eptikely It is The Volkswagen Sedan led the trend toward the .o. i.I truck. M.'s moth easier and quicker No radiator any mare. no .teg Wa. to .t out mom three feet shaier than its, yet .rries .mical car for the family. Will history repeat itself? than deNgning your...)

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