Introducing a company that's older than you expected. Introducing a car that's much more than you expect. The front-wheel drive Renault 12.

Introducing a company that's older than you expected. 
Introducing a car that's much more than you expect. 

1898. The 11;enfao'r'IC tra,'clile I '' was a gleam in Henry'seye.I 

The R tide i Renaul 

909. gTeht eioFtt!4a''L.titNew good start in America. 
192A. T. Renault that made the awing of the Sahara 
916. rigid the 7'he Renault 41===, 

T Renault's sped rtt'ord at farrow Salt lake City Rats. 
The front-wheel drive Renault 12. 1972. You canfinallyget frnt. and the engine is over them alio,. as much trunk as a d a reliable piece of transportation for better tradion. Vega combined. 12.8 cubic feet!' tgh,i,t,dteasii t ask you)to: trunk ,pace d produce more f rent. wheel If you need even more trunk, the peopied,ht,,,,rg; ;,trruhdni, . world.ive cars than anybody in the 1.,x,tiaittc1;:Zation wagon has up to or agocce.7.z.,11,2zup to 30 mpg and sh Its engine iSessential ly the same tbest superb power plant that swept We can Promise You uncanny wheelldrive MonteCarlo. As is the ultraprecise .mu:e4d:t=elaTCTig longer than t VitahlTein'n solid gZ1c:inneer.tlinl::kt:

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