The Silver Anniversary Chevrolet Corvette. 25 years of men, machines, and memories.

The Silver Anniversary Chevrolet Corvette. 25 years of men, machines, and memories. It stands alone today as it has since the summer of 1953. a truly unique and finely machined two-seater. America's only true production sports car. The legend lives on and improves. as legends do. with the passage of time. The Silver Anniversary Corvette: Twenty-five years in the making, and we've enjoyed every minute of it. And now. if you will, please join us In a round of applause for the Corvette founding fathers. that spirited corps of doers and dreamers who created the legend. brought it to life, and kept it there. Also for the countless men and women who've had a hand in building and refining Corvettes over the years. For everyone who has ever owned a Corvette. driven one, loved one. Or dreamed about owning one someday. Which, we'd imagine, includes just about everybody. SEE WHATS NEW TODAY IN A CHEVROLET.

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