Conselho da FIA aprova mudanças nas regras para 2012

O Conselho Mundial da FIA se reuniu quarta-feira passada (7), em Nova Delhi, para aprovar o regulamento de 2012. A utilização dos gases dos escapamentos do motor para melhorar a aerodinâmica do carro, mais conhecido como "difusor soprado", será mais dificultada. Além disso:

- Os novos carros não poderão testar na pré-temporada antes de passar por todos os crash tests;
- O tempo máximo de uma corrida, em caso de interrupção, passa de oito para quatro horas; o tempo limite da prova permanece em duas horas;
- Durante o safety car, será permitido que os retardatários sejam ultrapassados pelos que estão na mesma volta, para que a relargada transcorra só com os primeiros colocados na frente do pelotão;
- Em caso de suspensão da corrida, será permitido aos carros que estavam no pit lane que retornem ao grid na posição que estavam quando a corrida foi suspensa;
- Os pilotos não poderão retornar à linha que estavam depois de terem saído dela para defender posição;
- Haverá um teste de três dias durante a temporada;
- Todos os pneus poderão ser utilizados no primeiro treino livre; antes, eram permitidos apenas três jogos.


Changes to the 2012 Technical Regulations

- All engine standard ECU set up and control parameters, which were formerly contained only within a Technical Directive, are now contained within the relevant parts of the Technical Regulations.
- The exhaust tailpipes are now strictly regulated in order to ensure that the aerodynamic effect exhaust gases have on the car is kept to an absolute minimum.
- Better marking of in-car emergency switches operated by marshals are now stipulated.
- The side impact structures will now have to be subjected to a further (upward) push-off test.

Changes to the 2012 Sporting Regulations

- Cars may no longer take part in pre-season testing without having passed all crash tests.
- There will now be a maximum race time of four hours to ensure that a lengthy suspension of a race does not result in a race that could run up to eight hours if left unregulated.
- Before the safety car returns to the pits all lapped cars will be allowed to unlap themselves and then join the back of the pack, ensuring a clean re-start without slower cars impeding those racing for the leading positions.
- Cars which were in the pit lane when a race is suspended will now be allowed to re-join the cars on the grid in the position they were in when the race was suspended.
- Drivers may no longer leave the track without a justifiable reason, i.e. cutting a chicane on reconnaissance laps or ‘in’ laps to save time and fuel.
- Drivers may no longer move back onto the racing line having moved off it to defend a position.
- One three-day test will be carried out during the season, formerly there were none.
- All stewards’ decisions which are not subject to appeal are now in one place instead of being in various places within the regulations.
- All tyres allocated to a driver may now be used on the first day of practice; formerly only three sets were permitted.

The 2012 FIA Formula One World Championship calendar was confirmed as previously published.

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