Renault 8. A rugged tough engine behind the sportiest most comfortable seats ever put in an economy car.

Renault 8
A rugged tough engine behind the sportiest most comfortable seats ever put in an economy car. 
We have a tradition for giving you big important things. Like a rough, tough engine that makes it from 0 to 60 in mere seconds (and can do over 35 miles per gallon), disc brakes on all four wheels and 4-wheel independent suspension. And we're making a tradition 
for giving you small important things. Like soft, bucket seats that recline in over 60 positions and defy comparison for comfort, a thick padded dash, and a big square trunk that's not just an oversized glove compartment and a very low price, just $1699*west coast P.O. E. 
How can you consider buying an economy car without at least con-sidering the new Renault 8 ? 
For aooross W Renault oealer nearest you or to arrange money-saving overseas Celivery, write Renault, Ine., 750 TnirO Ara., N.Y. 10017.

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