Companies of every size use International Trucks... for the same good reason!

Companies of every size use International Trucks 
...for the same good reason! 
INTERNATIONAL Trucks have earned their reputation for quality and durability as leaders in the heavy-duty field. Now, today, businesses of every description use 'em. For light hauling, for city delivery, for any truck job. And all for the same good business reason: INTERNATIONALS get the job done and keep the cost down. They're ruggedly designed for truck work . . . sold right by truck-trained men . . . serviced economically at convenient dealer and branch points all over the map. Stop in at one of these sales locations now, and find out how your truck dollars can go farther. 

Road-proved V-8's make time hauling big payloads. Other six-wheeler models offer heavy-duty 'six,' diesel or LPG power. 

Roomy pickups give you snappy V-8 power, easier entry and exit with no corner post protruding in the doorway. There's 25% more cargo space in Bonus-Load bodies, or to 81/2-ft, long. 

® Internat.. Hoverter ...Chico!. • Motor Trucks • Cu.'s, Tractors • Construct= foolprasol • McCormick' For. Eotoprosot seU Fannon Tudors

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