Heads up! For a new "Rocket"! Oldsmobile launches a new higher-power, higher-compression, higher-voltage "Rocket" Engine for 1953.

Heads up! For a new 'Rocket'! Oldsmobile launches a new higher-power, higher-compression, higher-voltage 'Rocket' Engine for 1953 Meet the new 'Ruling Power of the Road'--latest and greatest version uf the most famous engine in automobile history. It's Oldsmobile's 'Rocket' —proved by over a million owAers in billions of miles of driving—and look what's happened for 1953! klorImpower has been boosted to 165... com-pression ratio raised to 8 to 1... ignition capacity increased through a new 12-volt electrical syfitem. Try the new 'Rocket' in the 1953 Super '88' (shown on next page) or the gorge*. Classic Ninety-Eight Oldsmobile.

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