2015 Michael Shank Racing #60 Ligier Honda JS P2 - Daytona International Speedway - Oswaldo Negri Jr. - Onboard

Here's the International Harvester 1206 Turbo. Big power to shrink fields, shorten days, build income.

Here's the International Harvester 1206 Turbo. Big power to shrink fields, shorten days, build income. One man, one troet.r, in on. day, ....how 50 acres plowed. Or dial, 150, or apply giant power to whatever elm 'teals doing. nix is for you. If you,. got big neronge. If help N ..Y. And expensive. If costa tiro op. The tmetor is the 112.6 hp McCormick Fmmall' 1206 Turbo. Demmxl for this new Irnctor has been tromend.s. Ikrouse no other tmetor will pay for itself foster. The 1206 T.,bo work.. hard—but works you cosy. lint-het foal. K.ps you plowing steadily — fewer shift slopes—with erolteive I II tronion bar draft control. Shifts into 16 forromi speeds. 8 rover. (with Torque Amplifier). And gives you hydro..., pouter steering, power brnkro, fast hydro...a mid power•shift independent PI,. Standard tirea tiro giant 18.4 x 38' for med... traction. New. optimml wido trend roar rule gives you true row• crop verontility. Spread rom6 for rittrrow.rowroltiroting. Clone in for plowing. Drop .ter wheel for planting. Ask your III dent.r to alxow you this moneymaker. Inter atio.1 throroter Company. Chicago 60611. First to serve the farmer

BMW i8 vs. BMW M4 Coupé DCT

Infográfico: principais motivos do abandono de carrinho no e-commerce

Carrinho abandonado na rua e-commerce
Há vários obstáculos a serem superados no comércio eletrônico, e um dos principais é a desistência do internauta em concluir a compra no site, fato mais conhecido como “abandono de carrinho”.

Instabilidade no acesso ao site, falta de informações mais detalhadas, preço e prazo do envio, taxas adicionais… enfim, vários são os empecilhos que o cliente encontra na hora de finalizar a compra.

MotoGP 2014 Super Slow Motion Highlights

"File away your spark plug troubles," says Jim Clark, 1965 Indianapolis 500 winner.

'File away your spark plug troubles,' says Jim Clark, 1965 Indianapolis 500 winner. Anyone with some knowledge of motorcars is aware that spark plugs—or sparking plugs as we call thom in Britain — need periodic cleaning and regapping to perform efficiently. What many people overlook is that a judicious bit of filing may be in order ai the same time. As plugs wear, their electrodes become rounded and require higher voltage to tire. Missing can result. robbing you of power and economy. Filing the electrodes so their edges are sharp again and adjusting the gap to correct spacing with parallel surfaces restores performance. -With sparking action occurting as often as 300 times per minute under extreme heat of combustion, the best electrodes will eventually erode beyond a point where they can be corrected by servicing. When this happens, 1 recommend you install a new set of Autolite spark plugs. All Autolite spark plugs have special nickel-chrome alloy electrodes for greater resistance to high combustion temperatures, corrosion and spark erosion. And Autolite makes its passenger-car plugs with the same copper and glass soeis used in Autolite racing spark plugs that helped me win the Indy 500. Some companies don't because it costs a bit more. but Autolite thinks the extra protection is worth it. So do 1. You're Always Right With Autolite