There are four turbocharged production cars in the entire world. Two of them are Buicks: the Regal Sport Coupé and the LeSabre Sport Coupé. The other two cars are the Porsche Carrera Turbo and the SAAB Turbo.

There are four turbocharged production cars in the entire world. Two of them are Buicks. Buick Regal Sport Coupé and Buick LeSabre Sport Coupé. In the recent past, if you wanted a car with a turbocharged engine you had to choose from a rather elite group of imports. Two, to be exact. Ah, but now all that has changed. Now Buick offers two production automobiles with turbocharged, even-firing V-6 engines: the new Regal Sport Coupe and the LeSabre Sport Coupe. It makes Buick the only American car maker to offer such wizardry. A word here,pbout turbocharg-ing. Simply put. it's a highly effec-tive means of boosting an engine's horsepower without increasing its size. Turbocharging harnesses the energy of burned exhaust gasses to pump pressurized fuel and air into the combustion cham-bers. When ignited, this pressurized charge provides added power. Best of all, the turbo-charger works only on demand. Lift your foot, and the 3.8 litre (231 cubic-inch) V-6 responds like the six cylinder engine it is. (Available in California in January, 1978.) Science and magic aren't limited solely to the engine compartment, either. There's the Sport Coupe sus-pension to consider. Both Regal and LeSabre make use of a sophis-ticated Rallye ride-and-handling suspension using firm springs. shock absorbers, and front and rear stabilizer bars. But despite the firmness, the ride comfort and smooth-ness will amaze and delight you. After all, these are Buicks. America's only turbocharged production automobile engine. The other two cars are the Porsche Turbo Carrera and the Turbo Saab. We strongly urge you to visit your Buick dealer, who will be more than happy to give you all the details on the great new Buick Sport Coupes. Come on now—they're surpris-ingly affordable, and just exotic enough for you to really love them. A little science. A little magic.

Renato Bellote dirige o Volkswagen Golf GTI MK3

Volvo cria motor 2.0 de quatro cilindros que desenvolve 450 CV de potência

Volvo Drive-E 2.0-Liter Four-Cylinder Engine Concept
A Volvo revelou um conceito de motor quatro cilindros com dois litros de cilindrada que desenvolve impressionantes 450 CV de potência. Chamado "Drive-E", o propulsor é equipado com dois turbocompressores impulsionados pelos gases do escapamento, mas que também recebem pressão de um outro turbocompressor, este elétrico.

O turbocompressor elétrico impulsiona os outros turbos enquanto o motor não possui força suficiente para fazê-los girar com os gases do escapamento. Desta maneira, elimina-se o turbo lag. A gasolina é injetada nos cilindros por duas bombas, que trabalham a uma pressão de 250 bar.

Veja o acidente de Jules Bianchi em Suzuka pela câmera de um fã que estava na arquibancada

Um vídeo amador, feito por um torcedor, no autódromo de Suzuka, no Japão, captou o que as câmeras de televisão não conseguiram: o momento da batida do francês Jules Bianchi, da equipe Marussia.

Após cerca de um minuto de vídeo, enquanto o Sauber do alemão Adrian Sutil era retirado da área de escape, Bianchi veio em alta velocidade e atingiu em cheio a traseira do trator.

De acordo com as regras da Federação Internacional de Automobilismo, quando há fiscais trabalhando na área de escape, deve ser acionada a bandeira amarela localizada, indicando que os pilotos diminuam a velocidade naquele trecho. No entanto, um fiscal de pista aparece agitando a bandeira verde, sinalizando que aquele trecho da pista estava liberado.

A corrida foi encerrada após o acidente do francês, que foi levado para o hospital. O boletim médico desta segunda-feira informa que Bianchi segue em estado crítico, mas estável.

Tiff Needell drives Campagna T-Rex 1400RR

In 1978, we gave the V6 a shot of adrenalin. It hasn't been the same since. Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick?

In 1978, we gave the V-6 a shot of adrenalin. It hasn't been the same since. 
The turbocharged V-6. Turbocharging. Five years ago hardly anyone even knew what it was. But that wasn't at all surprising considering no American car company offered turbocharging. In any of its cars. Then, in 1978, Buick made automotive history by offering a turbocharged V•6 as standard equipment in three of its cars. Since then, other automakers have jumped on the turbocharging bandwagon. But while they were busy designing theirs, Buick was refining a turbo that was already on the road. The power of horsepower. As you know, a turbo is simply a device which, when called upon, helps produce more horsepower in all engine. The 3.8 liter turbo V-6, for instance, puts out 55% more horsepower than its non-turbocharged counterpart. 36% more horsepower than the non-turbocharged 4.1 liter V-6. And 21% more horsepower than the big 5.0 liter non-turbocharged V-8. Enough horsepower to propel the Regal Sport Coupe from 0.50 in a sizzling 7.9 seconds. The kind of performance that comes in handy when accelerating to highway speeds, passing speeds, or when climbing steep hills. `Further refinements. The turbocharger is an integral part of the engine. Consequently, every turbo Buick offers is carefully and precisely manufactured. With some tolerances as fine as one-ten thousandth of an inch. Other refinements include 'hotter' spark plugs and an electric 'Early Fuel Evaporation' (EFE) system which preheats the incoming air/fuel mixture during cold starts. In addition, an electronic spark control serves to sense detonation and automatically adjusts the spark accordingly. The turbo, like the engine, needs to be well lubricated. So this V-6 turbo comes equipped with a high pressure oil pump that draws from a S-quart oil pan. None of these developments occurred overnight. Rather, they came about over a period of years. So if you're ready for a turbo, look to the people who first introduced it to the American production car. Buick. In the years to come, we'll more than likely be taking it even further. Buicks are equipped with GM•built engines supplied by various divisions. See your Buick dealer for details