After the Schumacher brothers, here are the Lastname brothers!

F1 2018 Australian Grand Prix The Lastname Brothers

Is there a chance that one of them will be the champion?

2018 Twelve Hours Of Sebring Full Race

Está sem o que fazer nas próximas 12 horas?

Que tal assistir às 12 Horas de Sebring na íntegra?

2018 Mercedes AMG F1 W09 EQ Power+ - Albert Park Circuit - 1:21.164 Pole Lap - Lewis Hamilton - Onboard

The New 2018 F1 Theme by Brian Tyler

It seems more like a superhero movie opening theme...

Amazing 4-way solid state steering. Proof that Case Tractor Specialization serves you.

Amazing 4-way solid state steering. Proof that Case Tractor Specialization serves you.
Proof that Case  Tractor Specialization serves you. 

Rear wheel steering 
Case solid state steering uses elec-tronic sensors on the wheels to acti-vate steering hydraulics. Steering response is immediate and very accu-rate. What's more, because of Case tractor solid frame design (no bend-in-the-middle), driving our big 90 series 4-WD's is as easy as handling your familiar 2-wheel drive tractors. Only Case solid state steering gives you instant selection of the four steer-ing modes shown above. As easily as you'd operate a light switch, you can switch on-the-go from front to coordi-nated to crab steering. Rear wheels 
Front wheel steering 
4-wheel crab 4-wheel coordinated steering steering 
are electronically controlled by finger-tip rocker switch. An electronic indica-tor on the tractor control panel shows exact position of rear wheels. It's easy, accurate 4-WD steering. Solid state steering on the Case 90 series 4-wheel drive tractors is truly amazing. Test drive a Case 4490, 4690 or 4890 4-WD and see for your-self. In addition to our exclusive steer-ing, you'll also see some impressive design advances in hydraulics, in the exceptionally clean and quiet Silent Guardian Cab and in extra servicing ease. Visit your Case dealer soon. 
MODEL 4490 4690 4890 ENG. HP. 210 (156 kW) 261 (194 kV/) 300 (223 kW) PTO HP'.. 175 (130 kW) 219 (163 kVV) 253 (188 kVV) DB HP•• 153 (114 OM 195 (145 kW) 224 (167 kW) 
•Mfr's rating / *•Official test 
J I Case A Tenneco ,ornpany Agricultural Equipment Division 700 State Street Racine. WI 53404 U.S.A. 
We're the  Tractor Specialist 

The Stig estabelece novo recorde de velocidade com um... trator! 140,44 km/h!

Top Gear Guinness Book Tractor Speed Record
Atualmente, existe um recorde no Guinness Book para praticamente tudo: o mais longo drift, da BMW, o maior número de zerinhos realizado em um minuto, da Caterham, e, mais recentemente, a Koenigsegg marcou cinco recordes de velocidade diferentes.

O programa Top Gear, da BBC, também quis registrar sua marca no Guinness World Records Book, mas, ao contrário das outras marcas de automóveis, e contrariando seu próprio proprósito, não usou um carro para marcar um recorde de velocidade, mas um trator!