Long hood, short price. The Chevrolet Nova SS Coupé. The not-too-small car.

Long hood, short price. 
And iYS wide enough to hold five, maybe even six, people. Z.v1;,747=1::::;:g!'''''''''' gas Yet, the Nova is dassificd by people whp classify things as a small car, the 7=1 that car.let's ur. Many small  baCR Scat usually have t0 Coupe seals five. com(atably. cars sit si loutays. Even the Nova SS AAEtur AWARD. T ANDTCst TREND MAGAZINE'S c  
She award states: ''MajOr bOdyc give you a Nunk the size  holds one mans lwo•suiter, otrmighl bags, one train GSe, :S new lines hat turntd Chevy Q into the R crispoptions in its ''odds and ends. look and the lugpt range of power S.'' gi 101).%:11,77°—• cant Your legs and luggage will le I ((ercnes. Nrrc are the similarities: Cnmc 5M, a1 /'our ChM'mlel dealer s. Cheri II NOVA: The not-too-small car E.Corr

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