Enquanto isso, na selva...

Orgia tem regra: ninguém é de ninguém Tribunal decide que quem participa não pode reclamar do que acontecer Carolina [frígido • trita$11.1a. A sentença é insólita e inédi-ta. O Tribunal de Justiça de Goiás deci-diu que o homem que, por vontade pró-pria. participar de uma sessão de sexo grupai c, em decorrência disso, lor alvo de sexo passivo, não pode declarar-se vítima de crime de atentado violento ao pudor. O acórdão do Ti de Goiás, publi-cado no dia 6. é um puxão de orelhas no autor da ação que reclamava da condu-ta de um amigo. Luzlano Costa da Silva acusou o ami-go José Roberto de Oliveira de ter praticado contra ele "ato libidinoso diverso da conjunção carnal". Silva ale-gou que, como estava bêba-do, não pôde se defender. Por meio do Ministério Pú-blico, recorreu à Justiça. Mas o tribunal concluiu que não há crime, já que a su-posta vitima teria concorda-do em fazer sexo grupai. O acórdão dos desembar-gadores é categórico: "A prática de sexo grupai é ato que agride a moral e os bons costumes minimamen-te civilizados. Se o indivi-duo, de forma voluntária e espontãnea, participa de or-gia promovida por amigos seus, não pode ao final do contubérnio dizer-se vítima de atentado violento ao pu-dor. Quem procura satisfa-zer a volúpia sua ou de ou-trem, aderindo ao desregra-mento de um bacana!, sub-mete-se conscientemente a desempenhar o papel de su-jeito ativo ou passivo, tal é a inexistên-cia de moralidade e recto neste tipo de confraternização". Para o Tribunal de Justiça do estado, quem participa de sexo grupal já pode imaginar o que está por vir e não tem o direito de se indignar depois:"(...) não pode dizer-se vitima de atentado violen-to ao pudor aquele que ao final da orgia viu-se alvo passivo de ato sexual", con-elide-aro os desembargadores. Segundo o inquérito policiai, tio dia 11 de agosto de 2003, após ter embria-gado Silva, Oliveira teria abusado se-A decisão do tribunal 6. Absolvição mantida. Apelação ministerial improvíde EdYrki "Apelação criminai. Atentado violento ao pudor. Sexo grupai. Absolvição, Mantença. Ausência de Mo. 1. A prática de sexo grupai é ato que agride a moral e os costumes minimamente civilizados 2. Se o indivkkea, de forma voluntária e espontãnea, participa de "Orgia promovida por amigos sea, não pode ao final do contubérnio chzer.se vitima de atentado violento ao pudor. 1 Doem procura satisfazer a voilipla sua ou de outrem. aderindo 80 deStÉgfaMent0 de IAM bac~1, submeto-se conscientemente a desempenhar o papel de sujeito ativo ou passivo, tal é a inexistência de 1w:falida/te e recto neste tipo de confraternização, 4. Diante de um ato indtmdosamerite imoral, mas que não configura o corne noticiado ria denúncia, não pode dizer-se vitima de atentado violento ao pudor aquele que ao final da orgia viu-se alvo passivo do ato meai. 5. Esse tipo de conchavo concupiscente, em razão de sua previsibilidade e consentimento prévio. afasta as figuras do dolo e da coação. xualmente do amigo. Em seguida, teria levado o amigo e sua própria mulher, Eclnalr Alves de Assis, a uma constru-ção no Parque Las Vegas, em 13cla Vista de GolAs. Lá, teria obrigado a mulher eo amigo a tirar suas roupas e a manter re-lações sexuais, alegando que queria "fa-zer uma suruba". Em seguida, Oliveira teria mais unia vez se aproveitado da embriaguez do amigo e praticado sexo anal com ele, Oliveira foi absolvido por unanimida-de pela l"-" Cãmara Criminal do Tribunal de Justiça de Goiás, que manteve a de-cisão da primeira instancia. Segundo o relator do caso. desembargador Paulo Te-les, as provas não foram su-licientes para justificar uma condenação, pois limita-ram-se a depoimentos de Silva e de sua mãe. E111 seu depoimento, Ednalr confir-mou que Silva teria partici-pado da orgia por livre e es-pontãnea vontade, Para o magistrado. todos do grupo estavam de acor-do com a prática, que defi-niu como desavergonhada. "A literatura profana que trata do assunto dá desta-que especial ao despudor e desavergonhamento, por. que durante a orgia consen-tida e protagonizada não se faz distinção de sexo, po-dendo cada participe ser su-jeito ativo ou passivo duran-te o desempenho sexual en-tre parceiros e parceiras, Tudo de forma consentida e efusivamente Witejada-, es-clareceu o relatar.

...o Tribunal de Justiça Goiás decidiu que c* de bêbado não tem dono.

Audi RS4 Avant review by Autocar

Arrinera Hussarya

Arrinera Hussarya
A montadora polonesa Arrinera divulgou, após quatro anos de desenvolvimento, as primeiras imagens oficiais da versão definitiva do Hussarya. Como se não bastasse a semelhança do design com o do Lamborghini Reventon, lançado em 2007, e de onde foi fortemente inspirado, o nome do veículo parece uma conjunção de um nome ou expressão com a palavra "Huayra", nome do último supercarro da Pagani.

Contudo, a empresa alega que tudo não passa de mera coincidência. Segundo a marca, a inspiração do nome vem da cavalaria Hussar polonesa, originária do Século XV. Apesar de tudo, o Arrinera Hussarya tem suas características exclusivas.

Começando pelos freios aerodinâmicos auxiliares retráteis, localizados na traseira do carro, que se erguem em 50 graus de inclinação, quando o carro ultrapassa os 150 km/h de velocidade. E não é para menos, já que o propulsor 6.2 V8 produz 650 CV, e pode empurrar o veículo da inércia até os 100 km/h em 3,2 segundos e fazê-lo chegar até os 340 km/h de velocidade máxima.
Arrinera Hussarya
Ainda não há imagens internas do carro, mas a Arrinera já diz que as portas tipo "tesoura", ou "lambodoors", foram substituídas por portas convencionais. As laterais e a traseira foram redesenhados, além do pára-choque dianteiro, que ganhou entradas de ar diferentes.

A Arrinera ainda pretende apresentar até setembro uma edição especial do Hussarya, chamada "33 Series", que será limitada a apenas 22 unidades. O carro já tem previsão de chegada às lojas, no entanto, não estreia antes do fim de 2013, segundo a marca. O preço do carro também já está definido, e será de 160 mil dólares.

Arrinera Hussarya begins its journey...

Beauty, strength and maneuverability: these were the main traits of the world's most powerful and effective XVII century cavalry – the Polish Hussars. Arrinera draws from these traditions and incorporates them into the Hussarya supercar.

The Arrinera Hussarya
The revamped design which is currently being presented is a direct result of intense and consistent work carried out since 2008 – all aimed at creating the first Polish supercar. Arrinera Automotive has devoted 14 months to the development of the current design. During this time the Warsaw University of Technology (Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering), under the direct supervision of Dr. Janusz Piechna Ph.D. D.Sc., has conducted several tests including an aerodynamic test of the body structure at simulated speeds of 360 km/h.

"Arrinera Hussarya was created for automobile enthusiasts with a passion for fast and beautiful cars. For enthusiasts searching for intense emotions and a massive dose of adrenaline combined with the practicality of everyday solutions. With just a little extravagance mixed in for good measure." - Lukasz Tomkiewicz (CEO)

Bearing in mind comfort, we have redesigned the cockpit. Thanks to this change, drivers will experience a carefully designed balance between an amplitude of area and that what is characteristic for the interior of a supercar. We have also raised the ground clearance and redesigned the doors so that they now open in a traditional manner (as opposed to the A.H.1 prototype).

Arrinera Hussarya has not changed its base dimensions. The refreshed design gives the impression of being "lighter" while at the same time, keeping up to date with the current trends in automotive design.

The inspiration for these design changes was air motion, which is why Arrinera Automotive has devoted so much time and effort to achieving aerodynamic perfection. As a result, the present design was largely "created by the flow of air streams moving around the body of the supercar" – Pavlo Burkatskyy (the Head Designer at Arrinera Automotive S.A.)

* "Flood" – Henryk Sienkiewicz

A countless number of mutually intersecting lines indicate the urge for constant movement. Lines intersect, disappear and re-emerge on the supercar's body. The lines have no beginning, no end - each just caught in constant motion.

The wheel arches in the Arrinera Hussarya have been strongly accented emphasizing its stability and awesome power. This combination of a muscular form while still retaining a certain degree of lightness gives the Arrinera Hussarya the characteristics of a natural predator – strength and speed.

"The word Arrinera is derived from Basque and Italian, which in direct translation means - 'truly streamlined'." - Lukasz Tomkiewicz (CEO)

One of the many elements that will demonstrate the prestige of the Hussarya is an exclusive color palette, created especially for Arrinera Automotive by some of the world's best known manufacturers of automobile paints.

Retractable spoilers
The Arrinera Hussarya supercar also comes equipped with two spoilers that serve as an additional air brake at speeds beyond 150 km/h. Activated by the brake pedal, spoilers deploys to an angle of 50 degrees to reduce braking distance. In the future these spoilers will also serve as elements of advanced active aerodynamics.

Limited edition 33 Series
Sometime between August and September 2012, Arrinera Automotive will unveil the 33 Series – a limited edition of the Arrinera Hussarya supercar which will be limited to 33 units. Unique equipment as well as, distinctive styling both for the interior and the body will set this top-of-the-line model apart from the "regular" Hussarya.

Customers ordering Arrinera Hussarya 33 will need to place a deposit in order to make a booking for the vehicle.

Production and testing
In 2011 Arrinera Automotive signed a letter of intent regarding the assembly of the Hussarya supercar by SILS Centre Gliwice, in Poland - a member of Ferrostaal Automotive GmbH based in Essen, Germany ( www.ferrostaal-automotive.com ). SILS Centre Gliwice has extensive experience in providing services to multinational automotive corporations as well as, all the proper certificates confirming the best quality of their services.

Arrinera Hussarya is scheduled for road and performance tests at the Applus IDIADA automotive research center in Spain. The vehicle will become available for purchase no earlier than at the end of 2013.

Arrinera Hussarya will be offered for both right and left hand traffic.

About Arrinera Automotive
Arrinera Automotive S.A. is a Polish based company established in 2008. Its main objective is the development of the Arrinera supercar project. The Arrinera is the first supercar to be manufactured in Poland. The idea, capital and most of the engineering/design works as well as, the production process are the result of joint efforts of Polish engineers and business entrepreneurs.

This project has also received firm support from Lee Noble - a revered British sports car constructor, who is also a member of the management board of Arrinera Automotive and the company's shareholder.

In June of 2011 Arrinera Automotive completed work on the A.H.1 prototype and presented the vehicle to its shareholders. The A.H.1 prototype first hit the road that same month.

Official video (prototype A.H.1):

The making of movie...:

Preliminary technical parameters/specifications of the Arrinera Hussarya supercar
Length (mm): 4450
Width (mm) : 2056
Height(mm): 1190
Wheel track front (mm): 1744
Wheel track frear (mm): 1744
Wheelbase (mm): 2695
Engine capacity (l): 6.2
Engine: V8
Power (HP): 650
Maximum torque(Nm): 820
Gearbox: Graziano
Weight(kg): 1300
Weight/power (kg/1 KM): 2,0
0-100 km/h: 3,2
0-200 km/h: 8,9
0-200-0 km (s): 14,3
200-0 km/h (m): 133
1/4 mile time(s): 11.0
Max. speed km/h: 340
Lateral g-force (g): 1,3

Pagani Huayra review by CAR Magazine's Ben Barry


A BMW tem uma linha HP (High Performance) de melhoramento de performance para suas motocicletas. Seu novo modelo, a HP4, baseia-se na S 1000 RR. A bike possui o Dynamic Damping Control, sistema eletrônico de ajuste da suspensão, e o Launch Control, para controle de largada e ajuste de torque.

A marca bávara diz que a HP4 é a motocicleta com motor de quatro cilindros mais leve em sua categoria, pesando 169 kg a seco e 199 kg com o tanque abastecido a 90% de sua capacidade. Rodas em metal forjado, sistema de escapamento em titânio, bateria e corrente mais leves completam o conjunto.

O propulsor produz 193 CV de potência, a mesma do motor da S 1000 RR, entretanto, toda a potência está disponível em todos os modos de controle de tração da HP4, além do toruqe estar disponível a partir dos 6.000 RPM, que é entregue mais suavemente quando o modo "chuva" está acionado.

Para ajudar ainda mais o piloto, um assistente de mudança de marcha para manter o controle da máquina, um ABS de competição atualizado com quatro modos de operação, e pinças Brembo monobloco.


27/07/12 -- With the BMW HP4, BMW Motorrad presents the lightest 4-cylinder supersports bike in the 1000cc class to date. Based on the BMW S 1000 RR - or RR for short - the new sports motorcycle has an output of 142 kW (193 hp) and weighs just 199 kilos including Race ABS and with a 90% full fuel tank (169 kg dry weight with Race ABS).

The new BMW HP4 sees its world premiere in 2012 and is a continuation of BMW Motorrad's HP model series founded in 2005. After the boxer models HP2 Enduro, HP2 Megamoto and HP2 Sport, the BMW HP4 is the first 4-cylinder motorcycle in the HP family.

The HP label stands for high performance, and the HP4 once again embodies outstanding agility, power and riding dynamics. But it also reflects the use of extremely high-quality materials and intelligent technology, carefully conceived down to the last detail. In short, the HP4 stands for perfectly controllable power and sporty perfection.

BMW High Performance motorcycles are truly outstanding: exclusive and authentic, they will always remain relatively rare. This applies equally to the new BMW HP4. Each motorcycle is issued with its own HP4 serial number which is engraved indelibly in the upper fork bridge.

A genuine highlight: due to its extensive range of fittings and excellent set-up, the new HP4 is immediately ready for use on the race track ex works, requiring no elaborate modifications. But at the same time it offers great potential for dynamic riding on country roads. Still, the HP4 is entirely uncompromising, combining athletic flair and riding dynamics at the very highest level - to an even greater extent than the S 1000 RR.

The new HP4 - exclusive performance based on the S 1000 RR.
Since its international press presentation in autumn 2009, the S 1000 RR has sped from one triumph to the next - and not just in motorcycle magazine comparative tests. This is clear evidence of the qualities and the consistency of the supersports concept. Fitted with Race ABS and Dynamic Traction Control (DTC), the RR set a new benchmark in this hotly competed and technologically highly sophisticated segment. But even the S 1000 RR left some room for improvement.

Technical innovations for enhanced sports performance.
The HP4 provides the homologation basis for the use of BMW motorcycles in motorcycle racing, especially in the superbike and superstock category. The new model features numerous technological innovations which highlight its orientation towards racing and the race track. The standard passenger seat cover ensures the monoposto look so characteristic of the race track. But for riders who would like to travel with a passenger, BMW Motorrad also offers a passenger package as an ex works option. In addition to the passenger seat this includes the passenger footrest system.

Dynamic Damping Control DDC - a world first in serial motorcycles construction.
The new HP4 reflects its status as a high-performance motorcycle in terms of its suspension system with a world first for serial production motorcycles: it is fitted as standard with Dynamic Damping Control DDC. This system allows dynamic damping adaptation of the upside-down fork and spring strut to the specific situation on the road. The damping is adapted to the current manoeuvre or road surface by means of sensor-supplied parameters via electrically controlled regulation valves. In this way, the HP4 offers optimum damping in every situation, handling long and short shocks virtually perfectly so as to provide maximum traction and safety.

Higher performance brake system and Race ABS with IDM setting for maximum brake performance.
With the introduction of Race ABS in the S 1000 RR, BMW Motorrad underscored its pioneering role in the area of ABS. For the first time ever, an antilock brake system was consistently tailored to sporty needs.

With the new race-oriented HP4, BMW Motorrad now takes the next step in this area. In keeping with the HP4 use profile of race track and dynamic country road riding, the new bike not only has Brembo monoblock brake calipers and 9x floating brake discs at the front but also a further developed and refined Race ABS.

As before, this ABS has four different modes for wet surfaces ("Rain"), roads ("Sport"), race track with supersports tyres ("Race") and race track with slicks ("Slick"). Racing experience gained from the IDM (International German Motorcycle Championship) has been fed directly into the Race ABS fitted in the HP4. In "Slick" mode, the so-called IDM setting with refined regulation impulses now gives the skilled rider the option of maximum possible deceleration.

New 200/55 ZR 17 tyres on the rear wheel and finely adjustable Dynamic Traction Control in "Slick" mode.
The HP4 uses a rear tyre in the new format 200/55 ZR 17. The Dynamic Traction Control DTC already used in the RR has been optimized for supersports use in the HP4: now the effect of traction control can be adapted in "Slick" mode to changing conditions and the rider's individual preference while on the move.

Launch Control for perfect starts and shift assistant for optimum gearshifts.
The HP4 is the first BMW motorcycle to have a so-called Launch Control function which provides active support for the rider in "Slick" mode to achieve maximum acceleration from standing - for example on race starts. Launch Control limits engine torque so as to provide the maximum torque transferable from the rear wheel whenever the front wheel is under no throttle. This means the rider has to focus less on the throttle because he is controlling acceleration solely using the clutch. In addition, when Launch Control is activated engine torque is reduced as soon as the system detects front wheel lift. This prevents unwanted wheelies when accelerating.

The HP4 allows the rider to make instant gearshifts with virtually no interruption of tractive force by means of the shift assistant, fitted as standard. This helps gain valuable fractions of a second on the race track, too.

Weight reduction due to forged wheels, lighter sprocket carrier, titanium exhaust system and lighter battery.
New finely wrought 7-spoke wheels in forged light alloy and a new, lighter sprocket carrier give the HP4 a weight reduction of 2.4 kg as compared to the RR.

The exhaust system is made entirely of titanium and saves as much as 4.5 kilograms as compared to the RR, thereby contributing to the HP4's enhanced handling qualities. The new exhaust system has an interference pipe between cylinders two and three, a controlled acoustic valve and a closed-loop catalytic converter. It has been possible to optimise the torque curve thanks to the new exhaust system, with the engine application adapted accordingly.

Sharpened engine set-up and more torque in the mid-range.
The new HP4 is fitted with the water-cooled 4-cylinder in-line engine of the S 1000 RR with a peak output of 142 kW (193 hp) at 13,000 rpm and a maximum engine speed of 14,200 rpm. As in the RR, its maximum torque of 112 Nm goes on stream at 9,750 rpm. The torque has been perceptibly increased in the 6,000 rpm to 9,750 rpm range. In "Rain" mode there is now a smoother output and torque curve available between 2,500 rpm and 8,000 rpm.

Unlike the RR, the 4-cylinder in-line engine in the HP4 provides the full output of 142 kW (193 bhp) at 13,000 rpm in all modes - "Rain", "Sport", "Race" and "Slick" - with an identical throttle curve and thus the same response, making it perfect for use on the race track.

Supersports fittings for sporty riders.
The HP4 has numerous special features to meet the needs of sports and racing riders. For example, the instrument cluster not only has a newly designed dial face with HP4 inscription but also provides an extended range of information and functions. The information display now shows the DDC set-up menus as well as the figures for DTC fine adjustment and Launch Control activation.

In visual terms, too, the new HP4 is consistently in line with supersports aspirations for the race track and for dynamic country road riding. In addition to the monoposto look there is a dual-section engine spoiler - elongated as compared to the RR - and a tinted windshield, both of which highlight the increased dynamic performance of the HP4. The small, light LED turn indicators are discreetly integrated and the laser-engraved HP4 logo with serial number on the upper fork bridge underscores the bike's exclusive character. An elaborate multiple colour paint finish in Racing blue metallic/Light white creates an appropriate racing-oriented appearance.

HP4 with Competition Package – top-level exclusive flair due to use of the very finest materials.
For anyone who wants even more than the functional sophistication and extreme riding dynamics of the HP4, the HP4 with Competition Package is an especially exclusive version of the motorcycle. Refined HP carbon parts including a long, closed HP engine spoiler in carbon, an adjustable HP rider footrest system, folding HP brake and clutch levers, wheels finished in
Racing blue metallic and a sponsor sticker kit provide additional enhancement of the new HP4.

A summary of the HP4 technical highlights:
- Fork bridge with engraved number and HP4 logo.
- Lightest 1000 supersports bike with four cylinders: 199 kg
- (90% DIN unladen weight).
- Innovative suspension with Dynamic Damping Control DDC.
- Race ABS with IDM setting.
- Dynamic Traction Control DTC with fine adjustment in "Slick" mode.
- Launch Control.
- Adapted wheelie detection.
- New rear wheel tyres, 200/55 ZR 17.
- Shift assistant as standard.
- Light titanium exhaust system with controlled acoustic valve and interference pipe.
- Forged light alloy wheels, anodised in black.
- Radial monoblock brake calipers by Brembo with special brake pads.
- 9x floating brake discs at front.
- Extended, dual-section engine spoiler.
- Seat in monoposto look with passenger seat cover.
- LED turn indicators.
- Tinted windshield.
- Lighter 7 Ah battery.
- Performance-oriented engine set-up.
- Increased torque in the medium engine speed range.

HP4 with Competition Package:
- Long, closed engine spoiler made of carbon.
- Sponsor sticker kit included.
- Wheels in Racing blue metallic.
- HP Carbon badge carrier.
- HP Carbon tank cover.
- HP brake lever, hinged.
- HP clutch lever, hinged.
- HP rider footrest system, adjustable.

2012 Porsche IMSA GT3 Cup Challenge - Mosport International Raceway - David Calvert-Jones - Onboard